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- 3dlib 3D Transforms 1.0 - manipulate/display 3d objects (turbo C)
- 3dlib30a 3dLIB 3.0 - 3D graphic object library (pascal/C++)
- 3dlib30b 3dLIB 3.0 - 3D graphic object library (C++/pascal)
- 3dvect39 Modex 3D Vector Library 3.9 - 386+ full source (asm)
- actlib17 Another C Tools LIBrary 1.7 - several libs w/source (C)
- advent1b Advent System 1.01b - create adventure games
- alib30 ALIB 3.0 - asm lib, compress/math/mem/hypertext/database/vga
- anivga12 aniVGA 1.2 - mode13h sprite lib w/source & sample game (TP6+)
- asmlib37 ASMLIB 3.7 ASM Programmer's Toolkit by Douglas Herr
- avril20 AVRIL 2.0 - Virtual Reality Interface Lib, 3D polygon graphics
- bcpp11 BESTLibrary++ 1.1 - graphics,text,keyboard,data,timers (C++)
- bestl232 BEST Library 2.32 - 360 functions graphics,text,math,string (C)
- bitwise BitWise 1.0 - TP7 unit for compressed boolean data (pascal)
- bltc18z Bullet 1.08z - B-tree/dBASE multiuser database toolkit (C/C++)
- bltp18 Bullet 1.08 - B-tree/dBASE database toolkit (PowerBasic 3)
- bltq18 Bullet 1.08 - B-tree/dBASE database toolkit (QuickBasic etc.)
- bltw110 Bullet for Win 1.10 - B-tree/dBASE database toolkit (
- co256-05 COL256 - modeX library for Borland Pascal 7.0 and 286+
- cslib16b CS-libraries 1.6b - database support, interface, utils (C/C++)
- ctask22d CTask 2.2d - multitasking kernel for C with source (asm/c)
- dcg301 DCGAMES 3.01 graphics adventure builder - rpg script system
- dcg301sb DCGAMES 3.01 SoundBlaster sound effects
- dcg301up DCGAMES 3.0 -> 3.01 update
- dcg301ut DCGAMES 3.01 utilities
- dcg301xb DCGAMES 3.01 extra sounds
- dlbox_2 DLBOX 2.0 - GUI dialog box library: window,buttons,text (TC++)
- egl_rise EGL-rise arcade game language + sample games
- flilib FLI.LIB - create and play FLI animations w/source (C)
- game10 GAME 1.1 - Gaming Applications Made Easy toolkit (pascal)
- glcb Graphics Library for 'C' Beginners - very portable programs
- graphsrc portable Core System graphics package - 3D graphics source
- hcsvga13 HiColor SuperVGA Library 1.3b - Borland C, Tseng/VESA HiColor
- hobbes3 Hobbes 0.3 modeX library
- jlib_0-6 JLib 0.6 - DJGPP mode 13h graphics library, utils, demos (C)
- knowhow4 Know-How 4.x toolkit - GUI,font,PCX,graphics,vector (BC++)
- mikdll MikDLL - dynamic loadable libraries for DOS (C src)
- mlib MLIB mode13 C++ graphics library
- model3d SURFMODL 3.00c - 3D Surface Modeller (pascal)
- modex105 Mode X Library 1.05 - library, editors, demos w/source (asm)
- mtgrap1c mtGraph mode13h Graphics Toolkit 1.0c - mode13h, 286+
- mthr25 MicroThread 2.5 - multithreading library for DOS (C)
- netclb23 Netware C Library 2.3 - access Novell network (IPX/SPX) (C)
- oasys.zoo Object-orientated Adventure System for text adv w/source
- objeas3a ObjectEasy 3.0 part a - Text/graphical UI library (C++)
- objeas3b ObjectEasy 3.0 part b - utilities
- otm3d95 3DTOOLS 0.95 - C++ 3D engine,Lambert,Gouraud,z-buf (asm/C++)
- pdcurs21 PDCurses 2.1 - curses for DOS, OS/2 and UNIX with source (C)
- psy_kit Demomaker Kit by Psychose Inc - flat real mode/MODs/datafiles
- rvga01 Reglage VGA Library 0.1 - text mode graphics lib
- setgui1 SetGUI1 1.00 - graphical user interface library (Fortran)
- spx30 SPX 3.0 - mode13h graphics/sound/GUI/3D/scroll (pascal)
- steph10b Steph 1.0b - Text UI library (windows/menus) (C)
- stk110 The Sprite Toolkit 1.1 + StarMines game source (asteroids)
- svgabg55 SuperVGA/Tweak BGI drivers 5.5
- svgacc23 SVGACC 2.3 - hi-res SVGA, 386+, 256 color, MSC and BC/C++
- svgapb23 SVGAPB 2.3 - hi-res SVGA, 386+, 256 color, SP Power BASIC 3.x
- svgapc23 SVGAPC 2.3 - hi-res SVGA, 386+, 256 color, MIX Power C
- svgapv23 SVGAPV 2.3 - hi-res SVGA, 386+, 256 color, PDS and VBDOS
- svgaqb23 SVGAQB 2.3 - hi-res SVGA, 386+, 256 color, QuickBASIC 4.x
- tge132 The Graphics Engine 1.32 - VGA/SVGA/VESA C/C++ library
- tlp4v11c Tale Graphics Driver 1.1c - modeX, 80186+, C
- tool7v13 "Complete" Borland TP6 Toolbox 1.3 - pascal lib
- vesa122 Vesa Unit 1.22 - 640x480x256 VESA graphics, 386+ (pascal src)
- vesatp11 VESA Turbo Pascal Unit 1.20 - 386+, lots of stuff
- vgakit52 vgakit 5.2b - programming toolkit for vga/svga cards
- vgfx10 VGFX 1.00 - 320x200 modex, VOC, PCX/BMP, fonts, utils (pascal)
- vgl20.lzh Vga Graphics Library 2.0 - mode 13 library w/source
- wgraf102 The Warp Graphics Library 1.02 - EGA/VGA/C++
- xv_pc17 XView-PC 1.7 - Sun XView lookalike GUI for Pascal/C/C++/GNUC
- xvga_r2 XVGA II - modex,386+,texture,gourad,tetra,clip (asm/Pascal)
- xyz_20 XYZ++ 2.0 - 3D graphics class lib for BC/C++